Our Story


During a difficult time in my life, I shared how I saw myself with a very wise, intelligent & empathic woman - someone I held in the highest regard.

Her reply was simple, yet profound & powerful and, as it turns out, life-changing for me.

"That's not what I see." she said, smiling, "I see... " and she told me what she saw.

The simple act of being seen and reminded of things I knew in the depths of my soul to be true, was more powerful than I can explain.

This experience stayed with me and, as I began to embrace the truths she shared, my belief in myself began to grow. Day by day, week by week... things just shifted inside me.

Armed with new perceptions of who I am and all that I'm capable of, I began to seek out my truest, best self, and to find & embrace who I really am beneath the many layers of perceived protection under which I’d been hiding for far too long. I went back in time in my consciousness and found my five-year-old self there, patiently waiting for me, with that big sweet smile. "That's me, I thought... that's who I am" and I gave that little guy a huge hug and told him I was back to stay. Then I apologized, asked for his forgiveness & told him I love him in the ancient Hawaiian tradition of Ho'Oponopono.

This beautiful wave of self-exploration, growth, and forgiveness and all the waves that came after were set in motion by the simple words of a beautiful soul who saw me & shared what she saw.

I created the i SEA u Movement to encourage people to freely share what they see in others - both those they know & love and also those they simply feel moved to acknowledge. The power of this beautiful experience has brought more abundance and love into my life than I ever imagined possible and this is my wish for everyone - to know the power of truly being seen.

Being a lifelong surfer & beach kid, I have a special connection to the sea. She's been my teacher, comforter and healer... she's disciplined me and given me feelings of joy & stoke that I have, as yet, not found anywhere else. My origins and deep love of the truly awesome sea is why we say "i SEA u" - with the word SEA spelled as it is and in all capital letters. The lower case i and u remind us that we should always remember Her greater significance and our responsibility to protect Her - the source & sustainer of life on our sweet, delicate Mother Earth.

I hope everyone reading this will take a moment TODAY to tell someone you love what you SEA in them.

With Warm, Sandy Hugs...



“I’m really proud of the i SEA u SurfTokens - their special purpose makes them one of my favorite Dog Beach Jewelry pieces to give people I meet from all walks of life. With each piece I create, my intent is to share some of the pure magic of those very special times in Malibu during my childhood. I hope my creations will be a reminder to us all to reconnect with that carefree little bohemian wild-child inside. So here’s to that precious kid and to our beautiful oceans & beaches - may we cherish, respect & protect them ALL – ALWAYS!”

~Richard, Dog Beach Jewelry